Now we have programmed the Deluxe Super Living Programs for your animals as well -
horses, dogs, cats, cows, hawks and others.
You can get here your individual Deluxe Super Living Program for your animal,
that is completely tailored to the animal.
Thereby especially your extra wishes and concerns will be taken
into consideration and the programs will be programmed accordingly to them.
These programs we have developed for animals,
where you want to achieve the BEST OF THE BEST for them and
want to have the best results in the long run!
These Deluxe Super Living Programs
include approximately 25.000 programmed entries at the moment.
We have made the procedure much easier for you now:
When you send us the enquiry e-mail and after we have received and accepted your request, you will receive from us a cost estimate for setting up the Deluxe Super Living Program for your animal.
The ongoing subscription costs are instead of € 7.00/day! (€ 210.00/month) -
which you choose yourself and vote with us.
Therefore, please it is important, to make your statements very accurately in the enquiry e-mail -
especially it relates to the goals that you set and write for yourself.
For the enquiry please write in the e-mail:
Your Name
Your E-Mail-Address
What type of animal (horse, dog, cat, ...)
Name of the animal
Option: Residence address of the animal (for geomancy and Feng-Shui programs)
Option: For what special area of life of the animal would you like to have the programs? (eg: health, performance, vitality, spine, concentration, endurance, stress, relaxation and others)
Option: Your specific concerns and desires to the topic of the animal
Option: What are the goals you want to achieve for the animal with the help of the programs? (Here write it please FOR YOURSELF exactly, precise and concrete!)
Option: Link with the Best Life Color Therapies
You would be amazed how intense the animals react to the color vibrations.
Here additionally more information to the 13 DNA strand system:
The science is discovering still more in this area / 13 DNA are 12 DNA +1, and in a precise observation each one of the 12 DNA has 12 additive finer levels, that are 12x12 DNA, it means altogether 144 DNA +1.
This 1 single DNA is absolute an unique DNA, different from all the others, with a special line of action - some parts for communication within the holistic oneness - specially for the determination of the consolidated direction of growth and development - especially for the highest spiritual adolescence.
Here some more to this so major topic:
The 13th DNA strand overlaid on the 12th DNA strand system then permits the individual to be empowered. The 12 are the foundation and tools, the 13th is the “Itself.”
It is love as the Highest Consciousness resurrected in each individual with the potential to increase its vibratory rate to invoke universal healing. Unlike the 12 strand system, each 13th strand is completely unique. The 13th DNA strand connects one from the earth plane to the God-Self, as love source that assists so the veils of separation will be lifted.
When working with the 13th DNA strand, the real goal a person is seeking is to integrate the 12 DNA (12x12= 144 DNA) strand areas of mastery they have chosen into their Spirit or Essence. When complete and in Harmony, the human being has succeeded in making a leap of personal evolution. It is now ONE. When this happens a new area of mastery comes into being.
The 13th DNA strand is also the communicator focus. In all instances the 13th strand is the strand of love, and is designed to integrate Spirit, mind and body. We all came from the same Spirit. The origin of our being is included in every single 13th strand.
Therefore even though 2 people might be of totally different areas of knowledge about the world, each would also be aware of their uniqueness and relation to each other as they both have above all the same primary Creator. They could then work on integrating and exchanging information, because they could relate on a higher frequency level of their being.
This 13th strand of complete love is woven throughout the 12 strands of DNA, thus imprinting the Divine Blueprint, Spirit’s blueprint, the innate being of everybody of us which has stemmed from the source, the beginning - the day one of creation.
So then every human being can fully bring out and manifest its own inimitable holistic BEAUTY and uniqueness and live it in every moment and with every single breath.
The ongoing subscription billing is monthly - your individual price/month, will be automatically renewed and will debite your account at that the day of the each month when you have logged in for the first time. You always have the option to cancel the subscription - Contact